
Professeur Associé en Supply Chain Management


Ulas Ozen est professeur associé en  Supply Chain Management et Il a rejoint l' EM Normandie en 2023. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en gestion des opérations et logistique de l'University of Technology d'Eindhoven, obtenu en 2007. Sa thèse porte sur la Coopération entre plusieurs vendeurs de journaux. Ses intérêts de recherche théoriques et appliqués incluent la gestion des opérations de services et de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, la coordination et les contrats de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, la théorie des jeux appliquée, les modèles stochastiques et l'optimisation, ainsi que la théorie des stocks. Ses articles ont été publiés dans diverses revues de premier plan, notamment Production and Operations Management, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Operations Research Letters et Omega – the International Journal of Management Science. Avant de rejoindre EM Normandie, il a enseigné à l'Université Ozyegin et à l'IMT Dubai, et a travaillé en tant que chercheur scientifique chez Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Laboratories. 

Expérience professionnelle

Depuis 2023 : Enseignant Chercheur en Supply Chain Management, EM Normandie
2021-2023 : Professeur associé en Supply Chain Management, IMT Dubai
2019-2021 : Intervenant, SP Jain School of Global Management
2018-2020 : R&D Consultant (Part Time), ICRON Technologies
2014-2020 : Professeur associé en Operations Management, Ozyegin University
2012-2014 : Professeur associé en Operations Management, Ozyegin University
2008-2012 : Chercheur, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories
2007-2008 : Postdoc, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories
2003-2007 : Assistant de recherche, Eindhoven University of Technology
2000-2003 : Enseignant assistant, Middle East Technical University

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Matières enseignées
Management de la Supply Chain Operations Management
2007 : PhD en Gestion des opérations et logistique, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands


  • Ozen, U (à paraître), 'Cooperation in spare parts systems with penalty cost per unit backlogged', International Journal of Production Economics. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U 2024, 'Cooperation in spare parts systems with penalty cost per unit backlogged', International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 270. ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U, Sošić, G & Slikker, M 2022, 'On the core of m-attribute games', Production and Operations Management, vol. 31(4). ABS : 4.


    Articles académiques

  • Randa, A.C, Doğru, M.K, İyigün, C & Özen, U 2019, 'Heuristic Methods for The Capacitated Stochastic Lot-Sizing  Problem  Under  The  Static-Dynamic  Uncertainty  Strategy', Computers  and Operations Research, vol. 109, pp. 89-101. 


    Articles académiques

  • Norde, H, Özen, U & Slikker, M 2016, 'Setting the Right Incentives for Global Planning and Operation', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 253, pp. 441-455. 


    Articles académiques

  • Doğru, M.K & Özen, U 2015, 'Tactical Inventory Planning at Alcatel-Lucent's Repair and Exchange Services', Interfaces, vol. 45(3), pp. 228-242. 


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U, Erkip, N & Slikker, M 2012, 'Stability and monotonicity in newsvendor situations', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 218, pp. 416-425. 


    Articles académiques

  • Terekhov, D, Doğru, M.K, Özen, U & Beck, J.C 2012, 'Solving Two Machine Assembly Scheduling Problems with and without Inventory Constraints', Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 63, pp. 120-134. 


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U & Doğru, M.K 2012, 'Rassal Öbek Büyüklüğü Belirleme Probleminin Doldurma Servis Kısıtı Altında İncelenmesi', Faculty Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (İİBF), vol. 30(1), pp. 121-146.


    Articles académiques

  • Duan, L, K. Dogru, M, Özen, U & Beck, J.C 2012, 'A Negotiation Framework for Linked Combinatorial Optimization Problems', Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 25, pp. 158-182. 


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U, Sošić, G & Slikker, M 2012, 'A Collaborative Decentralized Distribution System with Demand Updates', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 216, pp. 573-583.


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U, Doğru, M.K & Tarım, A 2012, 'Static-Dynamic Uncertainty Strategy for a Single-Item Stochastic Inventory Control Problem', OMEGA – the International Journal of Management Science, vol. 40, pp. 348-357. 


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U, Norde, H & Slikker, M 2011, 'On the Convexity of Newsvendor Games', International Journal of Production Economics.


    Articles académiques

  • Tarım, A, K. Doğru, M, Özen, U & Rossi, R 2011, 'An Efficient Computational Method for a Stochastic Dynamic Lot-Sizing Problem under Service-Level Constraints', European Journal of Operational Research.


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U, Reiman, M & Wang, Q 2011, 'On the Core of Cooperative Queueing Games', Operation Research Letters, vol. 39, pp. 385-389. 


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U, Norde, H & Slikker, M 2009, 'A General Framework for Cooperation under Uncertainty', Operations Research Letters.


    Articles académiques

  • Özen, U, Fransoo, J, Norde, H & Slikker, M 2008, 'Cooperation  between  Multiple Newsvendors with Warehouses', Manufacturing & Services Operations Management.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, T.T, Doğru, M.K, Özen, U & Beck, J.C 2013, 'Scheduling a Multi-Cable Electric Vehicle Charging Facility', ICAPS 2013 Workshop on Scheduling and Planning Applications (SPARK), Rome, Italy.


    Conférences académiques

  • Andrews, M, Özen, U, Reiman, M.I & Wang, Q 2013, 'Economic models of sponsored content in wireless networks with uncertain demand', the Second IEEE International Workshop on Smart Data Pricing, IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy.


    Conférences académiques

  • Duan, Lei, Doğru, M.K, Özen, U & Beck, J.C 2010, 'Multi-Agent Negotiation for Distributed Production Scheduling Problems', Third International Workshop on Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiations.


    Conférences académiques

  • Andrews, M, Özen, U, Reiman, M.I & Wang, Q 2014, 'Economic models of sponsored content in wireless networks with uncertain demand', in: Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha and Mung Chiang (editors), Smart Data Pricing, 269-288, John Wiley & Sons.


    Ouvrages de recherche et Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Montrucchio, L, Özen, U, Norde, H, Scarsini, M & Slikker, M 2012, 'Cooperative Newsvendor Games: A Review', in:  Tsan-Ming  Choi  (editor),  Handbook  on  Newsvendor  Problems:  Models, Extensions and Applications, pp. 137-162, Springer Newyork.


    Ouvrages de recherche et Chapitres d'ouvrage