Rajibul HASAN

Rajibul HASAN


Professeur en Marketing


Rajibul Hasan est professeur de marketing. Il a rejoint l’EM Normandie en 2023. Rajibul Hasan est titulaire d’un PhD en marketing de l’Université du Kent, obtenu en 2016. Sa thèse porte sur l’adoption de l’innovation du marché pyramidal. Ses intérêts de recherche sont l’intelligence artificielle, la technologie, le marketing numérique, l’innovation et le comportement des consommateurs. Ses publications traitent du comportement d’adoption des robots et d’autres technologies intelligentes. Avec une formation de recherche en intelligence artificielle, technologie, marketing numérique, innovation et comportement des consommateurs, il a publié des articles et des éditoriaux dans des revues à comité de lecture. Ses recherches ont été publiées dans de nombreuses revues universitaires, notamment Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, et Journal of Business Research, entre autres. 

Expérience professionnelle

Depuis 2023 : enseignant-chercheur en Marketing, EM Normandie
2020-2023 : professeur assistant, School of Business, Maynooth University, Ireland
2023-2023 : vacataire, Trinity Business School, Dublin, Ireland
2016-2020 : professeur assistant en marketing, Rennes School of Business

Matières enseignées
Comportement du consommateur Marketing Digital Marketing Research and Analytics
2016 : PhD en Marketing, University of Kent, UK


  • Hasan, R 2016, 'Consumer adoption of pro-poor innovations in the Bottom of Pyramid (BOP) market', PhD en Marketing, University of Kent, UK.


    Thèse de doctorat/HDR

  • Zaman, M, Jasim, M-K, Hasan, R, Akter, S & Vrontis, D (à paraître), 'Understanding customers’ intentions to use AI-enabled services in online fashion stores —A longitudinal study', International Marketing Review. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • De Kervenoael, R.J, Schwob, A, Hasan, R & Kemari, S (à paraître), 'Food choice and the epistemic value of recommender systems: The case of Yuka’s perceived value in France'. Behaviour and Information Technology. ABS : 2.


    Articles académiques

  • de Kervenoael, R, Hasan, R, Schowb, A & LePaih, V 2024, 'Consumers’ perceived value of Social IoT based online community: investigating social awareness processes surrounding smart kitchen robot appliances', Behaviour and Information Technology, vol. 43, issue 13, pp. 3071-3090. ABS : 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Zaman, M, Hasan, R, Vo-Thanh, T, Shams, R, Rahman, M & Jasim, K.M (à paraître), 'Adopting the Metaverse in the Luxury Hotel Business: A Cost-Benefit Perspective', International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Kenebayeva, A, Cavusoglu, M, Hasan, R, Tazhina, G & Abdunurova, A (à paraître),'A Comparative Study on Perceived Experiential Value and Behavioral Intentions in Robot-Enhanced Restaurants: Examining Cultural and Gender Differences', Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. ABS : 1.


    Articles académiques

  • Vo-Thanh, T, Zaman, M, Thai, T.D-H, Hasan, R & Senbeto, D-L 2024, ‘Perceived Customer Journey Innovativeness and Customer Satisfaction: A Mixed-Method Approach’, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 333, pp. 1019-1044. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Articles académiques

  • de Kervenoael, R, Schwob, A, Hasan, R & Psylla, E 2024, 'SIoT robots and consumer experiences in retail: Unpacking repeat purchase intention drivers leveraging computers are social actors (CASA) paradigm', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 76, January. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Zaman, M, Vo-Thanh, T, Nguyen, C.T.K, Hasan, R, Akter, S, Mariani, M & Hikkerova, L (à paraître), 'Motives for posting fake reviews: Evidence from a cross-cultural comparison', Journal of Business Research. FNEGE : 2 ; CNRS : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Nemeh, A, Hasan, R & Hazir, O (à paraître) 'Business School Students’ Motivations and Intentions to Pursue a Project Management Career: An Empirical Analysis', British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. ABS 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R, Zaman, M & Princet, E 2022, ‘How social media data can influence consumers’ attitudes towards cosmetic brands? The case of Maybelline’, International Journal of Big Data Management, Vol.2 No.2, pp.117-132.


    Articles académiques

  • Zaman, M, Michael, N, Michael, I & Hasan, R 2022, 'Does the use of big data make the websites more innovative? Evidence from the UAE', International Journal of Big Data Management, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 152-169.


    Articles académiques

  • Vo-Thanh, T, Zaman, M, Hasan, R, Akter, S & Dang-Van, T 2022, 'The service digitalization in fine-dining restaurants: A cost-benefit perspective', International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 34, n. 9, pp. 3502-3524. CNRS : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Zaman, M, Vo-Thanh, T, Hasan, R, Riad Shams, S-M & Vukovic, D (à paraître), 'How Can Hotels Create Sustainable Competitive Advantages? A Resource-Based View', Journal of Strategic Marketing. CNRS : 4 ; FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : C.


    Articles académiques

  • Rather, R, Hollebeek, L, Loureiro, S, Khan, I & Hasan, R (à paraître), 'Exploring Tourists’ Virtual Reality-Based Brand Engagement: A Uses-and-Gratifications Perspective', Journal of Travel Research. FNEGE: 2 ; ABS : 4.


    Articles académiques

  • Vo-Thanh, T, Zaman, M, Hasan, R, Rather, R. A, Lombardi, R & Secundo, G (à paraître), 'How a Mobile App Can Become a Catalyst for Sustainable Social Business: The Case of Too Good To Go', Technological Forecasting & Social Change. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Zaman, M, Vo-Thanh, T, Hasan, R & Babu, M.M. (à praître), 'Mobile channel as a strategic distribution channel in times of crisis: A self-determination theory perspective', Journal of Strategic Marketing. CNRS : 4 ; FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : C.


    Articles académiques

  • Ogunjimi, A. Rahman, M, Islam, N. & Hasan, R. 2021, 'Smart mirror fashion technology for the retail chain transformation', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 173. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS 3.


    Articles académiques

  • de Kervenoael, R., Schwob, A., Hasan, R. & Ting, Y. S. 2021, 'Consumers' perceived value of healthier eating: A SEM analysis of the internalisation of dietary norms considering perceived usefulness, subjective norms, and intrinsic motivations in Singapore', Journal of Consumer Behaviour, vol. 20, issue 3, pp. 550-563. ABS 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R., Shams, R., & Rahman, M. 2021, 'Consumer trust and perceived risk for voice-controlled artificial intelligence: The case of Siri', Journal of Business Research, vol. 131, issue C, 591-597. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R, Koles, B, Zaman, M & Paul, J 2021, 'The potential of chatbots in travel & tourism services in the context of social distancing', International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, vol. 13, No. 1, pp.63–83. ABS : 1..


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R., Abdunurova, A., Wang, W., Zheng, J., & Shams, S. R. 2021, 'Using deep learning to investigate digital behavior in culinary tourism. Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 43-65. ABS 2


    Articles académiques

  • Abdunurova, A., Uspanova, M., Hasan, R., Surapbergenova, Z., & Kudaibergenov, N. 2020, 'Pre-purchasing and post-purchasing travel behavior on social media: The case of kazakhstan', Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism, vol. 11(6), pp. 1475-1488.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R, Ben, L & Dan, P 2020, 'Consumer Adoption of Pro-poor Service Innovations in Subsistence Marketplaces', Journal of Business Research, vol.121, pp. 461-475. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R. & YU, Z. 2020, 'Capitalism leading to unhealthy food consumption', Strategic Change, vol. 29(6), pp. 633-643. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Husain, S., Sohag, K., Hasan, R., & Shams, S. R. 2020, 'Interest rate and income disparity: Evidence from Indonesia', Strategic Change, vol. 29(6), pp. 665-672. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Riad, S & Hasan, R 2020, 'Capacity building for transnationalisation of higher education: Knowledge management for organisational efficacy', European Business Review, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 459-484. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS 2.


    Articles académiques

  • de Karvenoael, R, Hasan, R & Schwob, A 2020, 'Leveraging Human-Robot Interaction in Hospitality Services: Incorporating the Role of Perceived Value, Empathy, and Information Sharing into Visitors' Intentions to Use Social Robots', Tourism Management, vol. 78, June. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS 4.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R, Shams, R, Rahman, M & Ehsanul, S 2020, 'Analysing Pro-poor Innovation Acceptance by Income Segments', Management Decision, Vol. 58 No. 8, pp. 1663-1674. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Narissara, P, Koles, B & Hasan, R 2019, ‘All you need is brand love: A review and conceptual framework of brand love’, Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 35, issue 1-2, pp. 97-129. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS : 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R, Yinggang, L, Kitchen, P & Rahman, M 2019, 'Exploring Consumer Mobile Payment Adoption in the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Context: A Qualitative Study', Strategic Change, vol. 28, pp. 345-353. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R &  Kumar Jha, a 2018, 'What’s Good for Business Growth: Implications of Innovativeness and Price Sensitivity for Firms in Developing Countries', Strategic Change, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 469-476. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS : 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R, Ben L & Dan, P 2018, 'An Empirical Comparison of Consumer Innovation Adoption Models: Implications for Subsistence Marketplaces', Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, vol. 38, issue 1, pp. 61-80. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R., Lowe, B. & Rahman, M. 2017, 'Visual Cues and Innovation Adoption among Consumers at the Bottom of the Pyramid', Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 147-157. ABS 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R, Kumar Jha, A & Liu, Y 2017, 'Excessive Use of Online Video Streaming Services: Impact of Recommender System Use', Psychological Factors, and Motives, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 80, pp. 220-228. ABS 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R, Raziz, E. & Rahman, M. 2015, 'Communication of dividend decisions and banks' share price volatility', Review of Enterprise and Management Studies, vol. 2(1), pp. 45-61.


    Articles académiques

  • Hasan, R., Rahman, M., & Khan, M. M. 2013, 'Rural consumers’ adoption of CRM in a developing country context', International Journal of Business and Management Invention, vol. 2(9), pp. 121-131.


    Articles académiques

  • Vukovic, D.B., Vrontis, D., Shams, S.M.R. & Hasan, R.  2021, "Guest editorial", Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 1-4.


    Autres contributions académiques

  • Zaman, M, Hasan, R, Vo-Thanh, Tan 2023, 'Understanding Travelers’ Intention to Use Chatbots: A Mixed-Method Approach', AFMAT Conference, Gérone, Spain, May 31 - June 2.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R., Zaman, M., & Koles, B 2023, 'Travellers’ Intent to Use Chatbots on Websites and Social media Platforms prior to, during, and after their Trips', 24th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Canterbury, UK, July 11-14.


    Conférences académiques

  • Kenebayeva, A, Hasan, R, Tazhina, G, Cavusoglu, M & Abdunurova, A 2023, 'Robot-Enhanced Experiential Restaurants: Expectations And Experiences of Modern Customers', The International Hospitality Information Technology Association (iHITA), Toronto, Canada, June 26-29.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R &  Abdunurova, A 2020, 'A Picture Can Tell a Thousand Words: Understanding Visual Digital Contents of Chinese Restaurants', AIRSI2020 Confrence, Zaragoza, Spain, September 3-4.


    Conférences académiques

  • de Kervenoael, R, Hasan, R & Millet, T 2019, 'Caring for the merchant: Measuring the impact on contactless payment intention, and technology acceptance engagement for the senior market', EURAM 2019 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-28.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Lowe, B & Petrovici, D 2018, 'Pro-poor Innovation Adoption in the BOP Market: Toward an Integrated View', 25TH IPDMC: Innovation and product development management conference, Porto, Portugal, June 10-13.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Lowe, B & Petrovici, D 2018, 'Toward an Integrated View of Pro-poor Innovation Adoption in the BOP Market', Academy of International Business, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 25-28.


    Conférences académiques

  • Lowe, B, Sullivan-Mort, G & Hasan, R 2018, 'Connecting with Consumers in Subsistence Marketplaces', Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Porto, Portugal, June 27-29.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Lowe, B & Petrovici, D 2017, 'Consumer Adoption of Innovations in the Bottom-of- the-Pyramid: Empirical Evidence from Two Services in Bangladesh', Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Montreal, Canada.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Lowe, B & Petrovici, D 2017, 'An integrated model of pro-poor innovation adoption within the bottom-of-the-pyramid', Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Canterbury, New Zealand.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Lowe, B & Petrovici, D 2017, 'Towards an integrated theory of pro-poor innovation adoption in the BOP', EMAC 2017 Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Lowe, B & Petrovici, D 2016, 'Consumer Pro-Poor Innovation Adoption within the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid', Academy of Marketing Conference, Paris, France.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Lowe, B & Petrovici, D 2016, 'Antecedents of adoption of pro-poor innovations in the bottom of pyramid: An empirical comparison of key innovation adoption models', Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Paris, France.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Lowe, B & Petrovici, D 2015, 'Empirical comparisons of key innovation adoption models in the context of the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP)', Academy of Marketing Conference, Limerick, Ireland.


    Conférences académiques

  • Hasan, R, Teng, Y & Shams, R 2021, 'The Impact of Social Media on Business Model Innovation' In: Business Model Innovation, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 11-27.


    Ouvrages de recherche et Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Zaman, M, Hasan, R & Shams, R 2021, 'Impact of Big Data in Tourism and Hospitality: Challenges and Organizational Adaptation', In D. Vrontis, A. Thrassou, Y. Weber, R. Shams, E. Tsoukatos, & L. Efthymiou (Eds), Business Under Crisis: Contextual Transformations and Organisational Adaptations, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 185-202.


    Ouvrages de recherche et Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Hasan, R & Billa, M 2021, 'Influencers’ Impact on Business Model Innovation in the Luxury Personal Goods Industry' In: Business Model Innovation. United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 28-39.


    Ouvrages de recherche et Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Lowe, B., Hasan, R. & Jose, S. 2018, 'A Conceptual Model of Pro-poor Innovation Adoption in the BOP and Subsistence Marketplaces', In Singh R. (eds.) Bottom of Pyramid Marketing: Making, Shaping and Developing BOP Markets, Emerald Publishing, pp. 111-133.


    Ouvrages de recherche et Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Lowe, B. & Hasan, R 2017, 'Adoption of pro-poor innovations in the context of the BOP and subsistence marketplaces: Challenges, opportunities and research agenda', In: Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Nripendra P. Rana, Emma L. Slade, Mahmud A. Shareef, Marc Clement, Antonis Simintiras and Banita Lal (eds.) Emerging Markets from a Multidisciplinary Perspective – Challenges, Opportunities and Research Agenda, Springer, pp. 243-254.


    Ouvrages de recherche et Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Rahman, M, Hasan, R & Floyd, D 2013, 'Brand orientation as a strategy that influences the adoption of innovation in the bottom of the pyramid market', Strategic Change, vol. 22 (3‐4), pp. 225-239. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS 2.


    Ouvrages de recherche et Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Hasan, R 2021, 'Can chatbots help companies deal with social distancing measures?', RTE Brainstorm, July 23.


    Articles dans des revues professionnelles

  • Hasan, R 2018, 'Pourquoi un coup d’oeil sur une vidéo se transforme si souvent en 3 heures de “binge watching”', We Demain, March 9.


    Articles dans des revues professionnelles

  • Hasan, R 2018, 'Vidéos en ligne : une addiction orchestrée', Ouest-France, June 25.


    Articles dans des revues professionnelles