Tran Nguyen Khoi

Nguyen Khoi TRAN

Le Havre

Professeur Associé en Supply Chain Management, Logistique


Nguyen Khoi Tran est professeur associé en Supply Chain Management et logistique et a rejoint l’EM Normandie en 2019. Il est titulaire d’un PhD en logistique et commerce maritime de l’Universität Bremen, Brême, Allemagne, obtenu en 2015. Sa thèse porte sur la logistique maritime et notamment le transport de conteneurs. Ses recherches portent sur l’économie et la logistique maritimes, l’analyse de réseau à grande échelle, l’optimisation du réseau et les émissions des navires.

Expérience professionnelle

Depuis 2019 : enseignant chercheur en supply chain management, EM Normandie
2016-2018 : enseignant chercheur, Maritime Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2010-2016 : assistant de projet, University of Bremen, Allemagne

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Matières enseignées
Gestion portuaire Logistique Management de la Supply Chain
2015 : PhD en logistique et commerce maritime, University of Bremen, Allemagne


  • Tran, N.K 2015, 'Étudier la conception de réseaux pour le transport de conteneurs', PhD en logistique et commerce maritime, University of Bremen, Bremen, Allemagne. 


    Thèse de doctorat/HDR

  • Tran, N.K, Haralambides, H, Notteboom, T & Cullinane, K 2025, 'The costs of maritime supply chain disruptions: The case of the Suez Canal blockage by the ‘Ever Given’ megaship', International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 279, February. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS : 3.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N.K & Lee Lam, J.S. 2024, 'CO2 emissions in a global container shipping network and policy implications', Maritime Economics & Logistics, vol. 26, pp. 151-167. ABS : 1.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N-K & Tran, T-A-T 2023, 'Environmental effects of Maersk Line’s global container shipping operation', Supply Chain Forum: An international Journal, vol. 24, issue 2, pp. 170-181. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 1 ; HCERES : B.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N.K., Lam, J.S.L, Jia, H & Adland R 2022, 'Emissions From Container Vessels in The Port of Singapore', Maritime Policy & Management, vol. 49, issue 3, pp. 306-322. ABS : 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, K.N (à paraître), 'Market structure and horizontal growth strategies – A case study of the container shipping industry', German Economic Review. CNRS : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Articles académiques

  • Yin, Y, Lam, J.S.L & Tran, N.K 2021, 'Emission accounting of shipping activities in the era of big data', International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (IJSTL), Vol. 13, No. 1/2, 2021, pp. 156-189. ABS : 1. 


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, K.N & Lee Lam, J.S (à paraître), ‘Effects of container ship speed on CO2 emission, cargo lead time and supply chain costs’, Research in Transportation Business and Management.


    Articles académiques

  • Jia, Haiying, Lam, J.S.L & Tran, N.K 2020, 'Spatial variation of travel time uncertainty in container shipping', Transportation Research Procedia, vol. 48, pp. 1740-1749.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N.K & Haasis, H.D (2018) "A research on operational patterns in container liner shipping." Transport, vol. 33(3), pp.619–632.


    Articles académiques

  • Wu, J & Tran, N.K (2018) "Application of Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Energy Systems: An Overview. Sustainability", SCI indexed journal, vol.10(9), pp. 3067.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N.K, Haasis, H.D & Buer, T (2016) "Container shipping route design incorporating the costs of shipping, inland/feeder transport, inventory and CO2 emission." Maritime Economics and Logistics, vol. 19(4), pp. 667-694.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N.K & Haasis, H.D. (2015) "Literature survey of network optimisation in container liner shipping." Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, vol. 27, pp. 139-179.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N.K & Haasis, H.D. (2015) " An empirical study of fleet expansion and growth of ship size in container liner shipping." International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 159, pp. 241-253. 


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N.K & Haasis, H.D. (2014). "Empirical analysis of the container liner shipping network on the East-West corridor", Emerging SCI Indexed Journal. Netnomics, 15(3), pp. 121-153.


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N. K (2011). "Studying port selection on liner routes: An approach from logistics perspective. Research in Transportation Economics", SCI Indexed Journal, vol. 32, pp. 39-53. 


    Articles académiques

  • Tran, N.K & Tran, T.A.T 2024, 'Suez Canal Blockage and Red Sea Crisis – Disruptions in global supply chains', Annual Regional Sustainable Development Conference 2024, Danang, Vietnam, July, 11-12.


    Conférences académiques

  • Tran, N.K & Tran, T.T 2023, 'Emissions in a container shipping network', Annual Regional Sustainable Development Conference, Ho-Chi-minh-City, Vietnam, July 17-18.


    Conférences académiques

  • Tran, T.T.A & Tran, K.N 2022, 'Container port development in the Southside of Vietnam', Annual Regional Sustainable Development 2022 - Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Sustainable Development, Danang, Vietnam, July 21-22.


    Conférences académiques

  • Tran, N-K 2019, "Using automatic identification system (AIS) data in estimating emissions from shipping activities”, “Intelligence, Innovation and Sustainable Development in Logistics” Conference, Zhengzhou, China, October 29-31.


    Conférences académiques

  • Tran, N-K 2019, ‘Effects of mega container ships on supply chain performance’, 9th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2019), Singapore, August 14-16.


    Conférences académiques

  • Tran, N.K 2022, ‘Suez  Canal blockage : Global supply chain disruption’, CCMP (Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques), Ref. P0304(GB).


    Cas pédagogiques

  • Tran, N.K 2022, ‘Container shipping industry: market structure and entry barriers’, CCMP (Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques), Ref. P0343.


    Cas pédagogiques